- 작성 : 2023.08.22
Saxena, R., Mittal, P., Clavaud, C., Dhakan, D. B., Hegde, P., Veeranagaiah, M. M., Saha, S., Souverain, L., Roy, N., Breton, L., Misra, N., & Sharma, V. K. (2018). Comparison of Healthy and Dandruff Scalp Microbiome Reveals the Role of Commensals in Scalp Health. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 8, 346. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2018.00346
Title : Comparison of healthy and dandruff scalp microbiome reveals the role of commensals in scalp health
Comparison of Healthy and Dandruff Scalp Microbiome Reveals the Role of Commensals in Scalp Health
Several scalp microbiome studies from different populations have revealed the association of dandruff with bacterial and fungal dysbiosis. However, the functional role of scalp microbiota in scalp disorders and health remains scarcely explored. Here, we ex
1. 논문 선정 이유
- 지질이 많은 Scalp microbiome이 궁금하다
- google scholar 검색 상위 Top 1 & 인용 79
- 특이사항 : 저널 : frontiers / 국가 : India
- +) metagenome 방법, KO 데이터 분석 법
3. Introduction
- 배경 : Scalp는 다른 피부들과 Sebum content, 수분, pH 등이 다르다. 미생물 군집은 피부에 따라 biofilm형성과 quorom sensing에 따른 다양한 조절기작을 사용함으로 Scalp의 여러 물질과 상호작용할 것이다.
- 논문 작성 이유 : 기존연구는 기본분석에만 집중, 이 연구들은 대부분 Malassezia, Cutibac~ 등에 집중 됨. 그러나 병인학적인 요인은 잘 알려지지 않음
- 논문 작성 이유 2 : 지난 10년간 Gut, Skin microbiome의 기능적인 역할에 대한 연구가 밝혀짐. 그러나 Scalp에서는 아직 알려지지 않음.
- 연구 요약 : 140명의 여자에서 Amplicon and shotgun분석(70 vs 70), 여러 메타데이터 비교
- 결과 요약 : Scalp microbiome과 synthesis of biotin and other vitamins 간의 강한 연관성을 보이는데, 이는 비듬이 있는 두피에서 덜 발견된다.
4. Method
- Dandruff Grading and Clinical Evaluation of Scalp Physiological Parameters
- (i) adherent dandruff score (ADS), (ii) total dandruff score (TDS) i.e., adherent and non-adherent, (iii) age, (iv) sebum level, (v) hydration, (vi) TEWL, (vii) itching, and (viii) erythema.
- Sampling of the Scalp Microbiome
- 정수리, ADS > 2.5만
- PCR Amplification and Sequencing
- V3/ ITS1 region
- Assignment of Genes to KEGG Orthologous Groups
- KEGG and eggNOG
- HSP (highest-scoring segment pair) above 60 bits and E-value ≤10−6.
- For bacteria, an additional parameter of identity >50% with ≥60% coverage or aligned length >300 was used
5. Result
Figure 1
- Task : Fungal diversity/composition(wilcoxon test)
- Dataset : Fungal shannon alpha diversity, Top5 taxa Mean relative abundance
- So what? Malassezia restricta 외 유의하게 차이 남
- Task : Bacteria diversity/composition(wilcoxon test)
- Dataset : Fungal shannon alpha diversity, Top5 taxa Mean relative abundance
- So WHAT? Pseudomonas nitro랑 여러 staphylococcus유의 함
- But Cutibacterium과 S.aureus는 차이가 없다
- Dataset : Clinical and Physiological Parameters and taxonomy
- Task : Correlation R value
- Dataset : Fungal Metagenome → Kegg pathway
- Task : Correlation analysis
- Amino acid metabolism pathways (histidine, cysteine, and methionine metabolism) and lipoic acid metabolism pathway were more abundant in healthy scalp than in dandruff scalp
- pathways for N-glycan biosynthesis, which are implicated in cell-host interaction, were enriched in the dandruff scalp
- Dataset : Bacteria Metagenome → Kegg pathway
- Task : Correlation analysis
- So what?
- Pathways related to vitamins and cofactors (biotin, porphyrin and chlorophyll, vitamin-B6, nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism, ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis), and amino acids (alanine, aspartate, arginine, glutamate and proline and lysine metabolism and biosynthesis) were significantly higher in healthy scalp than dandruff scalp
- Biotin
- Humans and other mammals cannot synthesize biotin and thus, obtain the vitamin through exogenous sources
- is a necessary cofactor for carboxylase enzymes that play a major role in metabolic processes including glycolysis, fatty acid synthesis, and amino acid metabolism, and is an essential scalp nutrient for hair growth and scalp health(Patel et al., 2017)
- It is also reported to play a vital role in protein synthesis and more precisely in keratin production, which is essential for healthy hair growth (Chiu et al., 2015).
- biotin metabolism 유의 & 관련 Pimeloyl ACP/CoA were also enriched in the healthy scalp
- So what?
- Thus, it can be hypothesized that the uptake of biotin and other vitamins synthesized by the scalp microbiome could occur by the scalp keratinocytes for scalp nutrition, which can contribute in maintaining a healthy scalp state.
6. Discussion
- 기존 연구
- 정상 군의 바이오마커
- healthy scalp : Ratio of P. acnes to S. epidermidis ↑ / M. restricta to M. globosa ratio ↓
- 정상군의 비타민, 지질 대사
- vitamin-B3 (niacin) 생산에 중요한 nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism pathway -> scalp health 유지에 중요
- Vitamin-B6 and B12 -> hair structures에 중요한 공급원
- 필수 아미노산인 lysine의 biosynthesis pathway 풍부 -> reduce hair loss
- 정상 군의 바이오마커
- 기존 연구의 한계 : 위의 반대 결과도 많이 나타남
- 우리 연구의 의의 : bacteria ,fungi 를 amplicon과 metagenome으로 관찰
- 연구의 흥미로운 점
- Malassezia genus안에서도 여러 species, strain에 따라 결과 값이 다르다
- M. globosa는 dandruff와 가려움에서 (-) → 정상두피에서의 역할이 중요하다
- 진균 PATHWAY관련
- 비듬군에서 N-glycan 多 -> 이는은세포벽 형성 관련 -> 진균의 성장 ↑
- 이 외의 “cell cycle yeast” and “meiosis”는 진균의 증식에 중요 -> M.restricta와 높은 상관관계
- 진균과 비타민
- 진균은 비듬의 incidence에 영향, 세균은 정상 두비의 상태, 영양공급에 역할을 함
- dandruff : 비듬
- An interesting addendum here is that while a few species from the fungal microbiome appear to strongly influence the incidence of dandruff, a few species from the bacterial microbiome are involved in providing the scalp with essential nutrients to maintain a healthy state.
- 뜻 : an item of additional material added at the end of a book or document, typically in order to correct, clarify, or supplement something.
- 부동산 : 이미 체결된 계약서에 추가 혹은 변경되는 사항
- 라틴어 : 작품의 부록; 추가되어야 할 것
- It is known that alterations in the sebum level causes perturbations(섭동) in the cutaneous barrier quality of the scalp, which leads to an increased TEWL in dandruff scalp than in healthy scalp and further perturbs the scalp barrier function
- 뜻 : a disturbance of motion, course, arrangement, or state of equilibrium in science (움직임, 정렬, 평형의 상태가 깨지는 것)
- https://snowall.tistory.com/120#footnote_link_120_3 → 일상과 다른 변동, 물결, 변화
- 물리) 주요한 힘의 작용에 의한 운동이 부차적인 힘의 영향으로 인하여 교란
- 천체) 어떤 천체의 평형 상태가 다른 천체의 인력에 의해서 교란되는 현상