현재 연구실 서버는 CentOS 7.9 버전을 쓰고 있다. 안정하다는 장점이 있는데, 갈수록 호환성 문제가 대두되고 있다.
일단 가장큰 문제는 QIIME2 2024.5 버전을 사용하지 못한다는 것이다.
DADA2를 R 로 돌리면 되긴 하지만, 최근 연구실 튜토리얼을 모두 QIIME2로 제작해 버리는 바람에.. 사용은 불가피하다.
최근 SILVA 데이터베이스가 138.2가 업데이트 되었다. 138.1과 다른 점은 계통이름을 최신 버전으로 반영했다는 차이이다.
이를 RESCRIPt를 통해서 필터링하려면 QIIME2 2024.5 버전이 필요하다.
그러나 설치 과정에서 아래와 같은 에러메세지를 받았다.
LibMambaUnsatisfiableError: Encountered problems while solving:
- nothing provides __glibc >=2.28,<3.0.a0 needed by c-ares-1.33.1-heb4867d_0
- package bleach-6.1.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package glpk-5.0-h445213a_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package libdeflate-1.20-hd590300_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package perl-carp-1.50-pl5321hd8ed1ab_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package perl-exporter-5.74-pl5321hd8ed1ab_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package perl-extutils-makemaker-7.70-pl5321hd8ed1ab_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package perl-parent-0.241-pl5321hd8ed1ab_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package argh-0.31.3-pyhd8ed1ab_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package paramiko-3.4.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0 requires pynacl >=1.5, but none of the providers can be installed
- package deblur-1.1.1-pyhdfd78af_0 requires scikit-bio >=0.5.0, but none of the providers can be installed
- package bioconductor-phyloseq-1.46.0-r43hdfd78af_0 requires r-ade4 >=1.7-4, but none of the providers can be installed
- package biom-format-2.1.15-py39hd1e30aa_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package biopython-1.84-py39hd3abc70_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package jq-1.7.1-h5eee18b_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package munkres-1.1.4-py_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package perl-compress-raw-zlib-2.202-pl5321hadc24fc_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package perl-encode-3.21-pl5321hd590300_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package perl-scalar-list-utils-1.63-pl5321hb9d3cd8_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-abind-1.4_5-r43h142f84f_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-bh-1.84.0_0-r44hc72bb7e_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-bit-4.0.5-r43h76d94ec_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-bit64-4.0.5-r43h76d94ec_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-checkmate-2.3.2-r44hdb488b9_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-data.table-1.15.2-r43h029312a_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-deldir-2.0_4-r44hbcb9c34_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-digest-0.6.37-r44h0d4f4ea_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-dorng-1.8.6-r43h142f84f_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-dplyr-1.1.4-r44h0d4f4ea_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-e1071-1.7_14-r44h0d4f4ea_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-fnn- is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-futile.logger-1.4.3-r43h6115d3f_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-futile.options-1.0.1-r43h142f84f_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-ggplot2-3.5.1-r44hc72bb7e_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-ggrepel-0.9.5-r44h0d4f4ea_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-htmltools- is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-htmlwidgets-1.6.4-r44hc72bb7e_2 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-hwriter- is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-jpeg-0.1_10-r43h76d94ec_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-jsonlite-1.8.8-r44hb1dbf0f_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-knitr-1.48-r44hc72bb7e_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-lambda.r-1.2.4-r43h142f84f_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-magrittr-2.0.3-r43h76d94ec_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-matrixstats-1.4.0-r44h2b5f3a1_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-optparse-1.7.5-r44hc72bb7e_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-permute-0.9_7-r43h142f84f_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-pheatmap-1.0.12-r43h142f84f_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-png-0.1_8-r43h76d94ec_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-prettyunits-1.2.0-r43h142f84f_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-progress-1.2.3-r44hc72bb7e_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-proxy-0.4_27-r43h76d94ec_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-rappdirs-0.3.3-r43h76d94ec_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-rcppparallel-5.1.9-r44h93ab643_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-rcpptoml-0.2.2-r43h884c59f_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-readr-2.1.5-r44h0d4f4ea_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-rematch2-2.1.2-r43h142f84f_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-rmarkdown-2.28-r44hc72bb7e_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-rtsne-0.17-r44h4387864_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-scales-1.3.0-r44hc72bb7e_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-snow-0.4_4-r43h142f84f_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-stringr-1.5.1-r44h785f33e_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-tibble-3.2.1-r43h76d94ec_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-vegan-2.6_8-r44h9ad1c49_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-viridis-0.6.5-r44hc72bb7e_1 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package r-yaml-2.3.10-r44hdb488b9_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package simplejson-3.19.3-py39hcd6043d_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package tqdm-4.66.5-py39h2f386ee_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package urllib3-2.2.2-py39h06a4308_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- package xmltodict-0.13.0-py39h06a4308_0 is excluded by strict repo priority
- nothing provides __win needed by xopen-2.0.2-pyh7428d3b_1
- package emperor-1.0.4-py39hf3d152e_3 is excluded by strict repo priority
- nothing provides __glibc >=2.28,<3.0.a0 needed by c-ares-1.33.0-ha66036c_0
- nothing provides _python_rc needed by python-3.13.0rc1-h3b4618f_0_cp313t
나와 비슷한 사례를 찾아보니 지난달에도 해결되지 않은 문제로 보인다.
Could not insall qiime2 on centos 7
Hi @Sena, Here you say you want the metagenome distribution but then you are downloading the amplicon distribution. Are you attempting to get the metagenome or the amplicon distribution at this time? Have you tried to install qiime before? Can you run cond
조속히 해결되기를 바라고 있다...ㅠ